I get some very mixed responses when I speak to people about alcohol free beers, wines and other drinks
Not every day is an easy one.
This time of year can be tough. You might feel like just getting out of bed some days is hard. Feeling shitty, exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious? it's all pretty normal this time of year.
We all have those days.
These are the days to just go easy on yourself. Be gentle.
Just remember...
You are doing the best you can at this moment and it's ok to sometimes to not be ok.
Here are some tips I have for those days.
1. Take a big walk (if you can).
2. Take some long slow mindful breaths . In for 4 out for 8 if you can otherwise in for 2 out for 4. (repeat at least four times).
3. Write down your Why's
4. Make a list in your mind or on paper of what you are grateful for or what is good in your life right now.
5. Give yourself some praise. Even if it's just for doing one of the things on this list.
6. Do something for, or call someone that might need your help with something. (Acts of service are big on my list for getting you out of your own head).
7. Eat or drink something really nutritious (and tell yourself well done after doing so).
8. Put some music on that makes you feel good. Just putting on some music can really change your mood.
9. Call a support person.
10. Make yourself a beautiful lavender bath or burn some delicious essential oils.
Give yourself some love and some praise.